BTK Killer
aka Dennis Lynn Rader

The American serial killer known as the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Killer committed his crimes from 1974-1991 in the area of Wichita, Kansas. He claimed the lives of 10 victims during this time frame.
Dennis Lynn Rader was born on March 9, 1945 in Pittsburg, Kansas. He was the oldest of 4 boys and grew up in Wichita, Kansas. He spent 1966-1970 in the United States Air Force. Upon discharge, he moved back to Kansas and married Paula Dietz in 1971. They had 2 children together. Rader was a Cub Scout leader and a deacon in the Lutheran church. He worked as a grocer, assembler, security alarm installer, census worker, and a dogcatcher at various points in his life.
His eventual downfall? He mailed letters to the media and law enforcement. He couldn't contain his pride over his acts and wanted attention. The saying "pride comes before a fall" definitely applies here.
On January 15, 1974, the BTK Killer struck for the first time. At 803 N. Edgemoor Street in Wichita, Kansas, the Otero family was enjoying a night like any other. The Otero family was a typical, American family with 2 children and a dog. Joseph, Julie, Joseph Jr., and Josephine Otero had no idea that their world was about to fall apart. Around 7 pm that evening, the BTK Killer made his move. Rader cut the family's phone lines and snuck into the home. He confessed (at trial) to having sexual fantasies about Mrs. Otero and young daughter Josephine, which was his initial motive in entering the home. When he entered, he realized that Mr. Otero was also home which was not part of his plan. He held the family at gun point and ordered them all into a bedroom, where he bond them. Rader belatedly realized that he was not wearing a mask and decided at that time to murder the family since they would be able to easily identify him otherwise. Rader attempted to suffocate Mr. Otero with a plastic bag while he was still bond. When Mr. Otero fell silent, Rader moved on to Mrs. Otero. He attempted to suffocate her in the same manner. She appeared to be dead so he quickly moved on to the children. He attempted to strangle daughter Josephine and suffocate son Joseph Jr. with a plastic bag. At this point, Mrs. Otero came to & begin fighting off her restraints. She was begging him to spare the lives of her children. When Rader realized that she was still alive, he strangled Mrs. Otero with a rope. He also realized that Mr. Otero had torn a hole in the bag over his head so he added another bag (and possibly a shirt) and killed Mr. Otero. At this point, Rader took Joseph Jr. to another bedroom and suffocated him. When he returned to the original bedroom, Rader saw that Josephine was still alive. He took Josephine to the basement and hanged her. Rader then masturbated, leaving priceless DNA evidence behind.
But wait, his terrible acts don't end here.
After killing the Otero family, he went through the home and took several items including a radio, Mr. Otero's watch, and the car keys. Rader stated that he cleaned up the home and then left through the front door, taking the family's car.

Source: 12 Things You Don't Know About BTK Killer, Dennis Rader
On April 4, 1974, 21 year old Kathryn Bright came home to 3217 East 13th Street in Wichita, Kansas. Her brother Kevin Bright was also with her. Little did she know, she had been selected and stalked by Rader. Rader had entered her home earlier that day when he knew that she would not be home and he waited for her to arrive. He had not planned for brother Kevin to be with her. But he improvised. Rader recounts having Kevin tie Kathryn up (or vice versa, he couldn't remember at trial) in a bedroom. When Rader approached Kevin with a gun, who was bond in a bedroom, Kevin broke free and attempted to fight Rader. Rader recounts that he then shot Kevin in the head. He moved back to the other room to deal with Kathryn. As he attempted to strangle her, Kathryn broke free and attempted to get his gun away from him. He strikes her and knocks her out. Rader hears movement from the room that Kevin is in & goes to investigate. Kevin is still alive so Rader attempts to strangle him. Kevin fights Rader, taking his gun. Unfortunately, Rader had another gun that he then used to shoot Kevin a second time. Believing that Kevin was truly dead this time, he returns to Kathryn. Kathryn has awakened and Rader stabs her a total of 11 times in the torso and back. While Rader is stabbing Kathryn, he hears the front door open. He looks down the hallway and realizes that Kevin is escaping the home. Because he's an idiot, Rader is not wearing a mask and realizes that Kevin can easily identify him to the police. Rader panics, quickly cleans up the home, and attempts to escape in Kevin's truck but finds that the keys don't work. He then flees the area on foot.
Kathryn dies because of her wounds but Kevin miraculously survives.

Source: survivingbtk.weebly.com
October 1974: a local newspaper finds out that a letter has been left in a book at the public library. The letter is very detailed and describes the Otero murders in a way that only the killer could know about. It is in this letter that the killer suggests that he should be called the BTK Strangler because he "binds them, tortures them, kills them."
March 17, 1977 at 1311 S. Hydraulic Street in Wichita, Kansas. A little boy enters the home after walking around the neighborhood. Rader had been staking out the area and had already selected a target that lived nearby. When Rader went to approach his selected target, no one was home. Already pumped up and ready for action, Rader decides to enter the home where he saw the small boy enter. Rader knocks on the door and identifies himself as a private detective to Ms. Shirley Vian, even showing her pictures as a ruse. Rader forced himself into the home and pulls a gun. Rader tells Shirley that he has unfulfilled sexual fantasies, that he is going to tie her & her children up. He tied Shirley up in her bedroom and then locked the children in a bathroom. Shirley became ill and vomited. Rader gave her a glass of water, then he took a plastic bag, placed it over her head and strangled her with a rope. He heard the children screaming in the bathroom and then heard the phone ring. Panicking, he collected his "hit kit" (ropes, tape, cord, etc.) and cleaned up the home. He fled the home and left in his car.

Source: ljworld.com
On December 8, 1977, Nancy Fox was living at 843 S. Pershing Street in Wichita, KS. Unbeknownst to her, Nancy has been selected as one of Rader's targets. Rader recounts stalking her at work and checking her mail to learn more about her. On December 8, Rader parks his car several blocks away and walks to Nancy's home. He cuts the phone lines, breaks in, and waits for her in the kitchen. When she arrives home, Rader confronts her and tells her that he has a sexual problem so he is going to tie her up and have sex with her. At trial, Rader states that Nancy was "a little upset" about this information. They each smoke a cigarette and then Nancy says "let's get this over with so I can go call the police." She asks to use the bathroom and Rader allows her to do so, telling her to be undressed when she comes out. When she comes out, Rader handcuffs her and tells her to lay down on her bed. He then ties her feet together. He lays down with her and strangles her with a belt. He then takes off both the belt and handcuffs & replaces both with pantyhose. He then admits to masturbating. He dressed, took several items from the home, and left. After leaving, he calls 911 and reports the homicide.

Source: survivingbtk.weebly.com
February 10, 1978: a local TV station receives a letter signed by BTK claiming responsibility for the Otero, Bright, Vian and Fox murders. He demanded media coverage for his work. He also includes a poem entitled "Oh Death to Nancy!"

Source: warosu..org
April 28, 1979: Rader identifies a new target and waits for them in their home. Growing frustrated at their prolonged absence, Rader leaves. He later sends them a letter indicating that they were a target of his.
Rader took a break for several years, emerging again in 1985.
53 year old Marine Hedge lived at 6254 N. Independence Street in Park City, KS during 1985. True to form, Rader identified Marine as a target and had been stalking her. On April 27, 1985, Rader decided to make a move. He made up an elaborate ruse: Rader drove to the bowling alley, called a taxi, and then pretended to be drunk. When he got into the taxi towards Park City, he told the cab driver that he wanted to get out to get some fresh air and left the taxi with his bowling bag aka "hit kit." Rader walks towards Marine's home and notices that there are lights on. He sneaks into the home and hides in a bedroom. Marine comes into the bedroom with a male friend & Rader recounts that they are there for several hours; the friend leaves in the early hours of the morning. Rader then sneaks into her bedroom and flips the lights on, startling Marine. Marine screams so Rader jumps on her bed and strangles her with his hands. After confirming that she is dead, Rader strips her naked and goes through her belongings. He wraps her up in a blanket and puts her in a car trunk. He then takes her to a nearby church and took several Polaroid pictures of her in bondage positions. He then puts her back into the trunk and drives around, searching for an area to dump her body. He finds a roadside ditch and places her body there, covering it up with brush.

One would think that Dennis Rader would be satisfied after murdering 8 innocent victims, but that is not the case. Amidst all of his stalking and killing, Rader works a full-time job and is active in his church. He is also a father and husband. He graduated from Wichita State University in 1979 with his Bachelors of Administration of Justice. His family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers have absolutely no idea what he has been doing in his free time.
On September 16, 1986, Vicki Wegerle became the latest victim of the BTK Killer. Vicki resided at 2404 West 13th Street in Wichita, KS. Rader had selected Vicki as a target and had been stalking her for some time. On his lunch break from work, Rader disguised himself as a telephone repairman and approached Vicki in her home. Vicki allowed him into the home, believing his lies. Once inside the home, Rader pretends to fix her phone but then draws a gun on her. He tells her to go to the bedroom and Vicki begins to fight back. Rader attempts to tie Vicki up but she breaks through the ties and "fought quite a bit." Rader manages to subdue Vicki and started strangling her with pantyhose. When she passed out, Rader admits to re-arranging her clothing and taking 3 photos of her. Rader recalls that she mentioned that her husband would be coming home so he quickly cleaned up, grabbed his kit and her car keys, and left in her car. He later finds out that Vicki was not dead when he left. Paramedics attempted to revive Vicki when she was discovered but were not successful.

Source: murderpedia.org
1988: BTK writes a letter to law enforcement denying involvement in the Fager family murder that occurred in Wichita.
Rader's final victim was 62 year old Dolores Davis. Dolores resided at 6226 North Hillside Street in Wichita, KS. Rader had previously cased the house but did not know how to get into the home. When he approached the home on the evening of January 19, 1991, he admits that he had some reservations about completing his plan but decides to move forward with it. He throws a concrete block through a patio door and enters the home. Dolores comes out of her bedroom to investigate the noise and discovers Rader is standing in her home. Rader tells Dolores that he is a wanted criminal on the run & wants food, clothes, shelter, etc. He handcuffs Dolores while he goes through her belongings. When he returns to Dolores, he takes off the handcuffs but ties her up. He then strangles her with pantyhose. Similar to Marine Hedge, he wraps Vicki in a blanket and stows her in her car trunk. He was running short on time because he had other plans, so he has to work fast. He dumps her body in a location and then drives to another location to dispose of her belongings that he had stolen. In the meantime, he realizes that he has lost one of his guns so he goes back to her home to look for it. He locates the gun, gets rid of her car keys, then drives away in his car. He then goes back to where he left her body, puts her back in his trunk, and takes her to another location where he then leaves her body.

Source: ljworld.com
March 17, 2004: the same local newspaper receives a letter in the mail containing a copy of Vicki Wegerle's driver's license and 3 photographs of the victim. The letter has a return address from Bill Thomas Killman.

May 2004: the same newspaper receives another letter from BTK containing newspaper chapter headings, fake IDs, and a word puzzle.
June 9, 2004: a letter is found taped to a stop sign in Wichita. The letter had detailed descriptions of the Otero murders and a sketch labeled "The Sexual Thrill Is My Bill." The letter also contained a "rough draft" of chapters for a book about the BTK murders.
July 2004: a package was found in a public mailbox. A letter inside claimed responsibility for the death of a local teenager. It was later determined that this claim was false as the death was ruled a suicide.
October 2004: a manila envelope is found in a public UPS dropbox. It is reported that the envelope contains "many cards with images of terror and bondage of children pasted on them, a poem threatening the life of lead investigator Lt. Ken Landwehr, and a false autobiography with many details about Rader's life." (source: Wikipedia)
Dennis Lynn Rader was born on March 9, 1945 in Pittsburg, Kansas. He was the oldest of 4 boys and grew up in Wichita, Kansas. He spent 1966-1970 in the United States Air Force. Upon discharge, he moved back to Kansas and married Paula Dietz in 1971. They had 2 children together. Rader was a Cub Scout leader and a deacon in the Lutheran church. He worked as a grocer, assembler, security alarm installer, census worker, and a dogcatcher at various points in his life.
His eventual downfall? He mailed letters to the media and law enforcement. He couldn't contain his pride over his acts and wanted attention. The saying "pride comes before a fall" definitely applies here.
On January 15, 1974, the BTK Killer struck for the first time. At 803 N. Edgemoor Street in Wichita, Kansas, the Otero family was enjoying a night like any other. The Otero family was a typical, American family with 2 children and a dog. Joseph, Julie, Joseph Jr., and Josephine Otero had no idea that their world was about to fall apart. Around 7 pm that evening, the BTK Killer made his move. Rader cut the family's phone lines and snuck into the home. He confessed (at trial) to having sexual fantasies about Mrs. Otero and young daughter Josephine, which was his initial motive in entering the home. When he entered, he realized that Mr. Otero was also home which was not part of his plan. He held the family at gun point and ordered them all into a bedroom, where he bond them. Rader belatedly realized that he was not wearing a mask and decided at that time to murder the family since they would be able to easily identify him otherwise. Rader attempted to suffocate Mr. Otero with a plastic bag while he was still bond. When Mr. Otero fell silent, Rader moved on to Mrs. Otero. He attempted to suffocate her in the same manner. She appeared to be dead so he quickly moved on to the children. He attempted to strangle daughter Josephine and suffocate son Joseph Jr. with a plastic bag. At this point, Mrs. Otero came to & begin fighting off her restraints. She was begging him to spare the lives of her children. When Rader realized that she was still alive, he strangled Mrs. Otero with a rope. He also realized that Mr. Otero had torn a hole in the bag over his head so he added another bag (and possibly a shirt) and killed Mr. Otero. At this point, Rader took Joseph Jr. to another bedroom and suffocated him. When he returned to the original bedroom, Rader saw that Josephine was still alive. He took Josephine to the basement and hanged her. Rader then masturbated, leaving priceless DNA evidence behind.
But wait, his terrible acts don't end here.
After killing the Otero family, he went through the home and took several items including a radio, Mr. Otero's watch, and the car keys. Rader stated that he cleaned up the home and then left through the front door, taking the family's car.

Source: 12 Things You Don't Know About BTK Killer, Dennis Rader
On April 4, 1974, 21 year old Kathryn Bright came home to 3217 East 13th Street in Wichita, Kansas. Her brother Kevin Bright was also with her. Little did she know, she had been selected and stalked by Rader. Rader had entered her home earlier that day when he knew that she would not be home and he waited for her to arrive. He had not planned for brother Kevin to be with her. But he improvised. Rader recounts having Kevin tie Kathryn up (or vice versa, he couldn't remember at trial) in a bedroom. When Rader approached Kevin with a gun, who was bond in a bedroom, Kevin broke free and attempted to fight Rader. Rader recounts that he then shot Kevin in the head. He moved back to the other room to deal with Kathryn. As he attempted to strangle her, Kathryn broke free and attempted to get his gun away from him. He strikes her and knocks her out. Rader hears movement from the room that Kevin is in & goes to investigate. Kevin is still alive so Rader attempts to strangle him. Kevin fights Rader, taking his gun. Unfortunately, Rader had another gun that he then used to shoot Kevin a second time. Believing that Kevin was truly dead this time, he returns to Kathryn. Kathryn has awakened and Rader stabs her a total of 11 times in the torso and back. While Rader is stabbing Kathryn, he hears the front door open. He looks down the hallway and realizes that Kevin is escaping the home. Because he's an idiot, Rader is not wearing a mask and realizes that Kevin can easily identify him to the police. Rader panics, quickly cleans up the home, and attempts to escape in Kevin's truck but finds that the keys don't work. He then flees the area on foot.
Kathryn dies because of her wounds but Kevin miraculously survives.

Source: survivingbtk.weebly.com
October 1974: a local newspaper finds out that a letter has been left in a book at the public library. The letter is very detailed and describes the Otero murders in a way that only the killer could know about. It is in this letter that the killer suggests that he should be called the BTK Strangler because he "binds them, tortures them, kills them."
March 17, 1977 at 1311 S. Hydraulic Street in Wichita, Kansas. A little boy enters the home after walking around the neighborhood. Rader had been staking out the area and had already selected a target that lived nearby. When Rader went to approach his selected target, no one was home. Already pumped up and ready for action, Rader decides to enter the home where he saw the small boy enter. Rader knocks on the door and identifies himself as a private detective to Ms. Shirley Vian, even showing her pictures as a ruse. Rader forced himself into the home and pulls a gun. Rader tells Shirley that he has unfulfilled sexual fantasies, that he is going to tie her & her children up. He tied Shirley up in her bedroom and then locked the children in a bathroom. Shirley became ill and vomited. Rader gave her a glass of water, then he took a plastic bag, placed it over her head and strangled her with a rope. He heard the children screaming in the bathroom and then heard the phone ring. Panicking, he collected his "hit kit" (ropes, tape, cord, etc.) and cleaned up the home. He fled the home and left in his car.
Source: ljworld.com
On December 8, 1977, Nancy Fox was living at 843 S. Pershing Street in Wichita, KS. Unbeknownst to her, Nancy has been selected as one of Rader's targets. Rader recounts stalking her at work and checking her mail to learn more about her. On December 8, Rader parks his car several blocks away and walks to Nancy's home. He cuts the phone lines, breaks in, and waits for her in the kitchen. When she arrives home, Rader confronts her and tells her that he has a sexual problem so he is going to tie her up and have sex with her. At trial, Rader states that Nancy was "a little upset" about this information. They each smoke a cigarette and then Nancy says "let's get this over with so I can go call the police." She asks to use the bathroom and Rader allows her to do so, telling her to be undressed when she comes out. When she comes out, Rader handcuffs her and tells her to lay down on her bed. He then ties her feet together. He lays down with her and strangles her with a belt. He then takes off both the belt and handcuffs & replaces both with pantyhose. He then admits to masturbating. He dressed, took several items from the home, and left. After leaving, he calls 911 and reports the homicide.
Source: survivingbtk.weebly.com
February 10, 1978: a local TV station receives a letter signed by BTK claiming responsibility for the Otero, Bright, Vian and Fox murders. He demanded media coverage for his work. He also includes a poem entitled "Oh Death to Nancy!"

Source: warosu..org
April 28, 1979: Rader identifies a new target and waits for them in their home. Growing frustrated at their prolonged absence, Rader leaves. He later sends them a letter indicating that they were a target of his.
Rader took a break for several years, emerging again in 1985.
53 year old Marine Hedge lived at 6254 N. Independence Street in Park City, KS during 1985. True to form, Rader identified Marine as a target and had been stalking her. On April 27, 1985, Rader decided to make a move. He made up an elaborate ruse: Rader drove to the bowling alley, called a taxi, and then pretended to be drunk. When he got into the taxi towards Park City, he told the cab driver that he wanted to get out to get some fresh air and left the taxi with his bowling bag aka "hit kit." Rader walks towards Marine's home and notices that there are lights on. He sneaks into the home and hides in a bedroom. Marine comes into the bedroom with a male friend & Rader recounts that they are there for several hours; the friend leaves in the early hours of the morning. Rader then sneaks into her bedroom and flips the lights on, startling Marine. Marine screams so Rader jumps on her bed and strangles her with his hands. After confirming that she is dead, Rader strips her naked and goes through her belongings. He wraps her up in a blanket and puts her in a car trunk. He then takes her to a nearby church and took several Polaroid pictures of her in bondage positions. He then puts her back into the trunk and drives around, searching for an area to dump her body. He finds a roadside ditch and places her body there, covering it up with brush.

One would think that Dennis Rader would be satisfied after murdering 8 innocent victims, but that is not the case. Amidst all of his stalking and killing, Rader works a full-time job and is active in his church. He is also a father and husband. He graduated from Wichita State University in 1979 with his Bachelors of Administration of Justice. His family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers have absolutely no idea what he has been doing in his free time.
On September 16, 1986, Vicki Wegerle became the latest victim of the BTK Killer. Vicki resided at 2404 West 13th Street in Wichita, KS. Rader had selected Vicki as a target and had been stalking her for some time. On his lunch break from work, Rader disguised himself as a telephone repairman and approached Vicki in her home. Vicki allowed him into the home, believing his lies. Once inside the home, Rader pretends to fix her phone but then draws a gun on her. He tells her to go to the bedroom and Vicki begins to fight back. Rader attempts to tie Vicki up but she breaks through the ties and "fought quite a bit." Rader manages to subdue Vicki and started strangling her with pantyhose. When she passed out, Rader admits to re-arranging her clothing and taking 3 photos of her. Rader recalls that she mentioned that her husband would be coming home so he quickly cleaned up, grabbed his kit and her car keys, and left in her car. He later finds out that Vicki was not dead when he left. Paramedics attempted to revive Vicki when she was discovered but were not successful.
Source: murderpedia.org
1988: BTK writes a letter to law enforcement denying involvement in the Fager family murder that occurred in Wichita.
Rader's final victim was 62 year old Dolores Davis. Dolores resided at 6226 North Hillside Street in Wichita, KS. Rader had previously cased the house but did not know how to get into the home. When he approached the home on the evening of January 19, 1991, he admits that he had some reservations about completing his plan but decides to move forward with it. He throws a concrete block through a patio door and enters the home. Dolores comes out of her bedroom to investigate the noise and discovers Rader is standing in her home. Rader tells Dolores that he is a wanted criminal on the run & wants food, clothes, shelter, etc. He handcuffs Dolores while he goes through her belongings. When he returns to Dolores, he takes off the handcuffs but ties her up. He then strangles her with pantyhose. Similar to Marine Hedge, he wraps Vicki in a blanket and stows her in her car trunk. He was running short on time because he had other plans, so he has to work fast. He dumps her body in a location and then drives to another location to dispose of her belongings that he had stolen. In the meantime, he realizes that he has lost one of his guns so he goes back to her home to look for it. He locates the gun, gets rid of her car keys, then drives away in his car. He then goes back to where he left her body, puts her back in his trunk, and takes her to another location where he then leaves her body.
Source: ljworld.com
January 17, 2004: a local newspaper runs a story about the 30th anniversary of the BTK killings.
March 17, 2004: the same local newspaper receives a letter in the mail containing a copy of Vicki Wegerle's driver's license and 3 photographs of the victim. The letter has a return address from Bill Thomas Killman.

May 2004: the same newspaper receives another letter from BTK containing newspaper chapter headings, fake IDs, and a word puzzle.
June 9, 2004: a letter is found taped to a stop sign in Wichita. The letter had detailed descriptions of the Otero murders and a sketch labeled "The Sexual Thrill Is My Bill." The letter also contained a "rough draft" of chapters for a book about the BTK murders.
July 2004: a package was found in a public mailbox. A letter inside claimed responsibility for the death of a local teenager. It was later determined that this claim was false as the death was ruled a suicide.
October 2004: a manila envelope is found in a public UPS dropbox. It is reported that the envelope contains "many cards with images of terror and bondage of children pasted on them, a poem threatening the life of lead investigator Lt. Ken Landwehr, and a false autobiography with many details about Rader's life." (source: Wikipedia)
December 2004: Wichita police find a package from BTK in a local park. In the package was Nancy Fox's driver's license and a doll that had it's limbs bound with a plastic bag over it's head.
January 2005: Rader leaves a cereal box in a truck bed in a Home Depot parking lot. The truck's owner threw the box away but later retrieved it when police questioned him about it. Home Depot surveillance video showed a driver in a black Jeep leaving the box in the truck. The box was marked "bomb."

February 2005: BTK sends more letters to the TV station demanding more attention. Another bound doll in a cereal box was also located in a rural area of Wichita. This doll is believed to represent the murder of Josephine Otero.
Source: thecrimemag.com
In February 2005, BTK sends a letter to law enforcement asking if a floppy disk could be traced. Law enforcement responded in a newspaper ad stating that it would be safe to use a disk. On February 16, 2005, BTK sends a floppy disk, letter, a necklace, and book entitled "Rules of Prey" to the local TV station.
At this point, police were able to decode the disk's metadata and found several details that BTK had tried to delete. Among these details were the name of a church and the name of the last editor of the file: Dennis.Upon further investigation, police determined that Dennis Rader was president of the church council named in the file. They were also able to link Rader's black Jeep as the same Jeep in the Home Depot incident. Lots of circumstantial evidence!
Things get weird here. Police needed DNA to solidify their theory that Dennis Rader was the BTK killer. Police obtained a warrant and tested the DNA from his daughter's pap smear against the DNA evidence that had been recovered from BTK victims. It was concluded that there was a familial link between the DNA found and the DNA gathered from the pap smear. Because of this, Dennis Rader was arrested on February 25, 2005 near his home in Wichita, Kansas. Law enforcement searched his house seizing computer evidence, a pair of pantyhose, and a container. They also searched his church, job, and library in hopes of collecting more evidence.
Rader was charged with 10 counts of first degree murder. His bail was set at $10 million. On June 27, 2005, Dennis Rader enters a guilty plea at his trial. It is reported that he described the murders in vivid details and expressed no remorse. On August 18, 2005, Rader was sentenced to 10 consecutive life sentences with a minimum of 175 years. He was not eligible for the death penalty as Kansas had abolished it at that time. He remains in prison in Kansas. As of 2018, he remains in solitary confinement daily for his own protection. Obviously, he was fired from his job & his wife immediately divorced him.
Since his arrest and conviction, law enforcement has investigated other unsolved crimes to attempt to link Rader to those crimes. No evidence was ever uncovered that provided this link and Rader has never confessed to more than the known 10 BTK murders.

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